My Glens Falls: Rachel Dutra

We’re catching up with Rachel Dutra this week, who you’ll certainly recognize from Rachel's Cafe and Spice Co! She shares what brought her to Glens Falls (it may have had something to do with a mischievous cat…), all about their new home, and some favorite memories of Glens Falls over the years…

Rachel Dutra

Tell us about yourself!

My name is Rachel Dutra. I am a former English teacher turned restauranteur / spiceologist. I am the co-owner and operator (with my husband Dave) of Rachel's Cafe and Spice Co on Warren Street in Glens Falls. In 2018 we closed our former restaurant, East End Eatery, and opened Rachel's in an effort to have a schedule that was more compatible with being a parent. Our son, Elias, is 5 and will start Kindergarten in the fall at SMSA! We recently opened a second business, Winklepickers, in our hometown of Lake George. 

On Life In and Around Glens Falls

I grew up in Lake George. My parents bought an apartment building on the East Side of Glens Falls and I ended up there since my mom wanted me out of the house because my beloved cat was destroying her beloved house. I had just graduated from college and it was a perfect fit for my lifestyle. Over the years, I’ve lived in multiple apartments in the building and when we opened a restaurant downstairs I eventually ended up running it. I then made the big move to the house next door and lived there for 12 years.

We recently purchased our first home! After renting for so long it is nice to finally own something. It is a whopping 1/2 mile down the road and that actually put us in Queensbury, but we very much still feel like a part of Glens Falls. It is secluded and has a pool which our 5 year old uses everyday. We don't vacation much so we treat every Sunday like a vacation, and this house and yard is perfect for it - complete with an outdoor fireplace and room to run. We are super happy with our little slice of the universe. The house is super old and some days it feels a bit like that movie The Money Pit, but we are learning as we go!

Some Glens Falls Favorites

It's kind of strange, but my favorite thing about Glens Falls is the Christmas decorations. I get up early to go to yoga at Hot Yoga Queensbury, and driving through the city when it's snowing and the lights are twinkling is the best thing ever. Until I get out of my car. I'm not a huge fan of winter. 

I honestly believe the hidden gem of Glens Falls is SMSA [St. Mary’s-St. Alphonsus]. This amazing little school is right under our noses and until I had a kid I had no idea the amazing place that it is. I wish more people knew that it is an incredible place to learn. 

A Perfect Glens Falls Day

Oh man, I don't get many days off. But, I will tell you that the margaritas at Raul's are perfect for girl's night with my bestie and Dave and I enjoy grabbing a beer at Mean Max. That's the extent of my venturing out. Between the business and the kid I don't get out much! 

On the Past

Once upon a time my amazing friend had a store called Sterling and Co. I miss it every day. I was constantly downtown, going to Tilley's (which I don't think was called that at the time), hitting up The Bullpen, enjoying Wallabee's way too much, heading to Siam Thai for amazing food, and of course Red Fox Books. It was the heyday in GF for me. 

On the Future

I’d love to see a book store in Glens Falls for sure. I know the internet and technology has made times difficult for them but I really miss having one in town. Also, a tour (self guided or otherwise) of the historic homes and buildings. Glens Falls is rich with history!