The Weekender: December 18 - 20

Happy weekend and happy snow day! And to think the other day we were just lamenting that we wouldn’t have a white Christmas ;)

What are you up to this weekend? We’ve got big plans to finally decorate the tree (just lights so far!), finish our shopping, bake some sweets, and have a virtual happy hour or two. Here’s a few other things that caught our eye:

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Holiday House Scavenger Hunt: If you’re going on a ride to see the Christmas lights this weekend, take a peek at this map of festive homes from the Glens Falls Collaborative (and vote for your favorite when you’re done!). They’ve also got a scavenger hunt if you’re looking to take things up a notch :) Find it all here!

Letters to Santa: Now that downtown is looking extra festive with the snow, a stroll through the city to admire the evening lights and a stop at City Hall to mail a letter to Santa sounds like a pretty perfect pre-holiday night. The special mailbox will be out front until Christmas Eve and all the letters will go straight to the North Pole. We’d better get writing ours, too ;)


Greenwich Lighted Tractor Hunt: Like most things this year, the Lighted Tractor Parade was cancelled due to Covid-19, but we were psyched to see that tractors are lit up throughout Greenwich for you to view on your own! Here’s the map of tractors if you’re up for a ride to see the lights!

Cider around the Campfire: Hicks is serving up craft cider around your own private campfire this winter! You can pick a package from their campfire menu (sign us up for the grilled cheese and tomato soup!), order drinks a la carte, and hang by the fire or take advantage of winter hiking in the orchard. Sounds like so much fun! Grab the details here.

Have a great weekend!
Bri + Tom